
The Art of Getting By



Since the dawn of recorded history, something like 110 billion human beings have been born into this world. And not a single one of them made it. There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. Roughly 60 million of them die every year. That comes out to about 160000 per day. I read this quote once when i was a kid. "we live alone, we die alone, everything else is just an illusion"(我们独自生存,独自死亡,其他的都是浮云)It used ti keep me up at night. We all die alone, So why i supposed to spend my life working, sweating, struggling ? 

Sally     : You're really weird...... So, why don't you ever do your homework ?
George : There are so many more important things to think about, homework ends up seeming like an afterthought.
Sally    : ADD ? (ADD=注意力缺乏症)
George : No, they tried everything. Ritalin, Lexapro, tutors, therapy. Nothing worked, i'm the Teflon slacker. No, it's more like, we're living in a dying time, you know ? I mean, you got global warming, wars, terrorism, tsunamis.
Sally    : ......ok...
George : We're definitely on the downhill side. So, what are we working towards? What's the point? 
Sally    : I thought i had fears, but they're pretty run-of-the-mill. Like paint, death....
George : Not me. I fear life.

一个早晨花一小时半看,还是挺有趣的。I fear life.
